Thursday, September 6, 2012


The wind blows here

The wind blows there

Sometimetimes the wind blows everywhere

Not knowing where the wind may go

As it tosses thing even when it snow

Life is sometimes like the wind

As it takes us on a spin

One thing for certain in our life

Sooner than later we will run into strife

Who cares which way the wind blows

But at some point in time you will want to know

Copy right by Marcia Hightower Simmons

I have published this on another blog that I have

Monday, September 3, 2012


Scrap booking a page with the ladies. Everyone had their own themes what they wanted to put together before the night was over with. I had lots of fun, working on a summer theme where I had most of my pictures geared towards the summer and picnics.

ATC Doll Card

ATC card, made like a doll stamped the face like the sun. The body is squared and brads were used to attach the head, arms, and legs.Everything about the body is stamped and then put together. Gave this ATC card to some one in a swap that I was doing online, when they received it they emailed me they were excited to have received it.

Birthday Card American Doll Addy

Open faced pop up card of an American Girl card, I t is a birthday card that anyone would love too have remembering their childhood playing with dolls. Addy is an American Doll, is based on a young girl growing up during the civil war time. Addy most valued treasured is a cowrie shell that her great-grandmother brought from Africa.
Had fun doing this card the pink stripes on the front of the card matches her outfit that she wore. What a nice Birthday card to have.

Felicity American Doll Card

American Doll Card Felicity, pop up doll card is a front card view of an American Doll. Had lots of fun with this card by adding the glue dots to make the image give a 3D effect instead of laying flat.
The Felicity doll, is based on a colonial girl growing up in the state of Virginia during 1774. As you can see from the style of clothing that she wears it is during the American Revolution.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


ATC card that I did, I had lots of fun making it. I used ribbons and acetate for the photo,
This a large rubber stamp of a woman's face that was used for this ATC.
I enlarged it so that you can see the details.

Miniature Doll Beach Man

I created this miniature doll at a workshop about six years ago, the theme was for a beach scene that had a beach hut ,sand, a surf board and all the amenities that you would have for the beach.Love doing this doll, had others but gave them to friends before I took a photo of it.